Sponsor A High School Student

Unlocking Potential: The Power of Education for Orphaned Children

At Give Kenya Hope, we believe in the transformative power of education for orphaned children. While providing a safe home, nutritious meals, clothing, and medical care are essential, we recognize that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating opportunities for a brighter future.

In Kenya, where truancy laws are absent, many of our children never had the chance to attend school before coming to our orphanage. However, upon arrival, we prioritize their education by teaching them English and facilitating their immediate enrollment in school. Witnessing their eagerness to learn is truly inspiring, as education quickly becomes a cornerstone of their lives.

Thanks to the support of the Kenyan government, we can educate these children up to the eighth grade. By this time, they have big dreams and aspirations for the future, ranging from becoming doctors and nurses to teachers, engineers, pilots, and even the President of Kenya.

As they transition to high school, we face the challenge of finding boarding schools for them to attend, as public school options are limited. Boarding school costs approximately $1000 per student per year, covering tuition, room and board, uniforms, school supplies, and transportation.

Our goal is to find a sponsor for each student, providing not only financial support but also a sense of family and belonging. Sponsors often engage with the students through regular Zoom calls, witnessing firsthand their enthusiasm for the future.

We invite you to join us in changing the lives of orphaned children by sponsoring their high school education. With 116 children set to attend high school in January, and only forty currently sponsored, your support can make a world of difference. Together, let's give these children a chance at a better life and a brighter future

Give Kenya Hope