About Us

Our Journey: A Story of Hope and Transformation

About ten years ago, Erick and his wife Margret, were living in Kitale, Kenya. Erick was an accountant raising two boys and living a comfortable life. But they both noticed several children who were living on the street trying to survive by begging and stealing. Their hearts were broken and they felt compelled to do something. So they began taking children into their home. When they had no more room in their home, they began renting rooms from their neighbors. Eventually, they found an old building where they began a school. Others joined in helping them.

Eric and Margaret- Give Kenya Hope

About four years ago, a group of people from the US became involved and started helping them financially. This group purchased land, built classrooms, bathrooms, dormitories, a church building and a kitchen.

Give Kenya Hope

Today, Royale Children’s Center is the home to 567 children who have been rescued out of a life of poverty and crime. These children are educated, fed, loved and cared for by a group of 20 volunteers. What is especially exciting is that we now have 25 students in their second year of high school, 39 in their first year and 51 that started in January. These children who had never been to school a day in their lives, now have big goals to become professionals— doctors, teachers, engineers, pastors, pilots and similar professions. Their lives have been changed forever. Most importantly, these children have been taught about Jesus and now have a deep relationships with him.

 Give Kenya Hope

Royale Children’s Center also houses a church where ministry is done throughout the impoverished neighborhood.